Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Robot inventor Al-Jazari first time Mr. Robot

In the golden era of Islamic civilization has mastered the technology is very high. In the 13th century AD, the Islamic world has been holding robot technology. Muslim engineers in the days of the Caliphate is able to create human-like robots. Achieving that once mematahkahkan Western claims that are often called Leonardo da Vinci as a pioneer of robotic technology.

Designing new da Vinci robot creation in 1478, it was a new form of designs on paper. Meanwhile, a brilliant Muslim engineer Al-Jazari, has been successfully designing and creating various forms of robot at the beginning of the 13th century AD For this reason, modern science society dubbed as'' Mr. Robot''. Islamic civilization over three centuries in advance robot technology than the West.

Islamic Civilization is a pioneer in the field of technology automata, which is a machine that can run its own (self operating). Automata are often used to describe a particular robot or autonomous robots. The word comes from the Greek Automata automatos, which applies its sole option, move themselves.

The word was used to describe the machines moving non-electronic, particularly those designed to resemble human or animal movement. Robotic machines created Al-Jazari form a boat floating in a lake carrying four robotic musicians.

The robot consists of two drummers, a blowing harp and flute player metal was created to entertain the royal guests in a banquet drink. Al-Jazari develop the principles of hydraulics to move the machine later known as the engine robot. '' It was the first to be programmed automata,'' said Professor Noel Sharkey.

Robot drummer Al-Jazari assembled can play a variety of different rhythms. Robot found Al-Jazari was also invited admiration Charles B Fowler. According to him, the findings could be Muslim engineer called'' robots'' band. An important achievement that has never been discovered before other civilizations and cultures of the time.

In particular, Mark E Rosheim concluded that progress in the era of the triumph of the Islamic world in the field of robotics as a discovery more advanced than the Greeks. '' Unlike Greek design, sample robot created Islamic world (Arab) capable of inviting appeal. Not only in the dramatic illusion, but it is able to present an environment that could make people more comfortable,'' said Rosheim.

According Rosheim, Al-Jazari robot creation that is one of the contributions of Islamic civilization which is essential for the technology. According to him, a robot created in the early Islamic civilization of the 13th century AD are humanoid robots and able to help people for practical purposes. Unfortunately, he said, the robot was not created for the benefit of the industry.

In addition to the band'' robot'', Al-Jazari also managed to create a human-shaped robot waiter serving for serving water, tea, or other beverages. Drinks are kept in a tank with a reservoir (water reservoir). From the reservoir, the water flowed into a bucket and after seven minutes pouring into a cup. After that, the robot took out his drink.

Another important discovery in the era of the triumph of Islam that is not less interesting is the automatic hand washers depletion mechanism. Mechanisms developed Al-Jazari, is now used in modern toilet systems work. Robot automatic hand washers that shaped a woman standing by a basin filled with water.

When a user hold the lever, the water will dry up and the robot woman would return to fill the basin with water. Another robot developed by Al-Jazari was a fountain of peacock. This robot serves as a replacement maid or servant. This allows the robot while cleaning the hands, because the peacock robot that will offer coir and towels automatically.

Another robot was created by Muslim engineers peacock automatic move. Al-Jazari peacocks moving robot with hydropower. Other robotic technologies are found Al-Jazari was the automatic doors as part of one hour the water had created.

Automata technology developed Al-Jazari to 50 species and all written and illustrated in his book which is legendary, Al-Jami Bain Al-Ilm Wal 'Aml al-Nafi Fi Sinat' at al-Hiyal (The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices ). His work is about the theory and practice of mechanics. In this book, Al-Jazari revealed in detail a variety of things related to mechanics.

Furthermore, Al-Jazari also created other automata technology that serves to assist and facilitate the task of the human. He among others, creating household appliances and musical automata powered hydropower.

All robots are found Islamic civilization through Al-Jazari truly astonishing. '' There's no way to ignore the work of Al-Jazari's so important. In his book, he describes so detailed instructions to design, assemble, and makes a machine,'' said British historian, Donald R Hill, in his article titled, Studies in Medieval Islamic Technology.

Other historians are fascinated by discovery treatise Al-Jazari was Lynn White. '' It is clear that the inventor of the first gear is Al-Jazari. New West discovered it in 1364 AD'' said Lynn, said gear (gear) has a vocabulary word or term in the European machine design in the 16th century AD

In the view of Donald Hill, not a single document that can rival the work of Al-Jazari until modern times. According to him, the minutes of the discovery of Al-Jazari so rich instruction on the design, manufacture, and assembly machines.

Al-Jazari'' not only able to combine the techniques of his predecessors from the Arab and non-Arab, but he was really a creative engineer,'' said Donald Hill who so admire Al-Jazari. His interest in the work of the Muslim engineer, Donald Hill was encouraged and motivated to translate the works of Al-Jazari in 1974.

Al-Jazari Muslim leader Engineers

Ra'is Al-A'mal. Title ditabalkan Muslim engineers in the 13th century AD to Al-Jazari. No wonder, if the full name of the engineer was phenomenal Rais al-Shaykh al-Amal al-Zaman Badi Abu al-Izz ibn Ismail ibn al-Razzaz Al-Jazari. Meanwhile, the title of Badi al-Zaman and al-Shaykh bears showed that he is a scientist a unique, unparalleled brilliance, high master of science, and human dignity.

Meanwhile, Al-Jazari attached full name showed amsalnya. Al-Jazari family came from the Arabian Peninsula in Diyar Bakr Ibn Umar, Turkey. However, the other hypothesis states that Al-Jazari was born in Al-Jazira, an area located in the north of Mesopotamia, the region in northern Iraq and northeastern Syrians, exactly between the Tigris and Euphrates.

That's where Al-Jazari devote his life as an engineer to create a variety of machines. The explorers and travelers who are away to the region in the 12th century AD, admiring the prosperity achieved Artukid Dynasty. At that moment, peace and political stability and security are so controlled.

Just like his father, Al-Jazari devote himself to the kings of the dynasty Urtuq or Artuqid in Diyar Bakir from the year 1174 AD to 1200 AD as a technical expert. During his life, Al-Jazari had three Artukid leadership succession in the dynasty, namely Nur al-Din ibn Muhammad Arslan (570 H - 581 H/1174 AD - 1185 AD), Qutb al-Din Muhammad ibn Sukman (681 H - 697 H / 1185 AD - 1200 AD), and Nasir al-Din Mahmud ibn Muhammad (597 H - 619 H/1200 AD - 1222 AD).

At the request of Nasir al-Din Mahmud, al-Jazari wrote all his discoveries in a treatise phenomenal. In the introduction to his treatise, Al-Jazari said that he began to serve the dynasty H/1174 Artuqid at 570 M. He treatise discovery, after 25 years together as engineers under the leadership of the three kings Artuqid Dynasty.

Based on that information, it can be concluded, the possibility of Al-Jazari wrote his treatise in 595 H/1198 M, or two years before Nasir al-Din was asked to become king. According to the Oxford manuscript, Al-Jazari merampumgkam treatise that has rocked the world of modern technology on January 16, 1206 AD

Works great Al-Jazari was perfected by Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn 'Uthman al-Haskafiat at the end of Shaban 602 H/10 April 1206. Of note Haskapi, it was Al-Jazari's gone. Of note that, al-Jazari estimated H/1206 died in AD 602 ​​- a few months after he had completed his work.

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