Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

colonial era

The British tried to establish settlements on Roanoke Island in 1585, but did not last long. [6] In 1607, the first British settlement can survive standing in Jamestown, Virginia. The settlement was founded by John Smith, John Rolfe, and other British people who are interested in wealth and adventure. Colonies in Virginia almost failed to survive because of disease and starvation, but it works because of tobacco. [7]Ship Mayflower Pilgrim Fathers brought to America.
In 1621, a group of English people who called Pilgrim Fathers (those who fled due to dispute with the church) settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Larger colonies built by the Puritan Massachusetts Bay in 1630. Instead of finding gold, Pilgrims and Puritans more interested in creating a better society, which they dubbed the "city on a hill." [8] Roger Williams, who was kicked out of Massachusetts, founded the colony of Rhode Island in 1636.
Britain is not the only country who settled in what is now the United States. In the 1500's, the Spanish established the fort in Saint Augustine, Florida. [9] French settled in Canada and the area around the Great Lakes. The Dutch established a colony in New York, which they called Nieuw Nederland. Other areas dimukimi by Scots-Irish, German, and Swedish. [10]
Development of the colony is a bad thing for Native Americans. They lost their land, and many of those who died from variola, diseases Europeans brought to America.
In the early 1700s, the emerging religious movement called the Awakening Movement. [11] Awakening Movement was one of the first events in American history that a "big move", or something that involves a lot of Americans. Revival movement, along with the Salem Witch Punishment, is a response to the current U.S. situation, and may affect the rationale used in the American Revolution. [12]
In 1733, there were thirteen colonies. The colonies are usually grouped into New England (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut), the Middle Colonies (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware), and South (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia). New England had small farms, and more reliant on fishing, shipping, and small industries. [13] Southern Colonies had tobacco and cotton plantations. The gardens were originally worked by workers who are willing to work a few years with the entrance to the American wage and land, and by the slaves. Middle colonies have small farms, and is known to have diverse cultures and beliefs. [14]
Thirteenth colony tied to "Atlantic economy", which involves the use of ships for the slave trade, tobacco, rum, sugar, gold, spices, fish, timber, and manufactured goods, the United States, the West Indies, Europe, and Africa. [15] [16] New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Charleston is a city and major port in those days. [17]
From the year 1754 until 1763, Britain and France engaged in a war called the Seven Years War. England managed to win the war. France handed over to the British colony in Canada, and handed Louisiana to Spain; Spanish handed Florida to Britain. Furthermore, Britain issued the Proclamation of 1763, which states that people living in the thirteen colonies could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains

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