Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was born in Mainz around 1398, Germany, listed as an inventor of the printing press the first time, the youngest son of the merchant class Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden, from his second wife Else Wyrich. According to some reports Friele was a goldsmith for the bishop at Mainz, but most likely he was also doing cloth trade as a source of income. Gutenberg birth year is not exactly known but most likely around 1398.
He received his initial training as a goldsmith. In 1411, an uprising in Mainz, so he had to move to Strasbourg and lived there for 20 years. In Strasbourg, he lives by making barangan menyarai metal. Gutenberg mirror produces small ornaments for sale to salvation for Christian Religious Council. He then returned to Mainz and worked as a jeweler.
Idea Gutenberg paramount sparked when he worked as a goldsmith in Mainz. He got the idea to produce fruit with pardons cop form letters to print a letter of forgiveness to many that he should get a lot of money to pay its debts when he worked as a metal first. In those books and letters written by his gothic script by hand and contains a lot of errors when copying and slow.
By then, Gutenbert first letter makes reference to the use of lead metal to form a gothic script letters. In the beginning Gutenberg had produced nearly 300 form letters to imitate the handwriting in a row. After Gutenberg's printing press that moves them to print. The printing press is the greatest contribution Gutenberg move. After perfecting printing press movement, first Gutenberg printing a thousand pardons were misused by the Catholic Church to get money. Misuse of a stem emergence as the cantankerous than sesetengah Martin Luther.

In 1452, Gutenberg borrowing money than Johann Fust to initiate projects biblenya famous printing. However Gutenberg has been fired rather than deal with it before printing Bibal It is prepared entirely due Gutenberg printing accused pardons, calendars and books aktiviti light as a byproduct. However terhasil Bible which is still recognizable as the Gutenberg Bible which contains 42 lines of each face was prepared on 15 August 1456 and is considered the oldest printed book in the western world. Two hundred copies of volume Gutenberg Bible was printed, partly small (approximately 50) printed on calf leather (vellum). Gutenberg Bible are pretty expensive and it is sold at a price commensurate with the three-year salary of an ordinary clerk. He sold Franfurt Book Fair in 1456. Roughly about 1/4 Gutenberg Bible still form today.
In addition to being peneroka field of printing, Gutenberg also create side printing materials such as cop dakwat and letters. Dakwat used is a mixture of oil, copper, and lead is still everlasting color. It is different than regular paper dakwat kerana dakwat printing is more dense and sticky. Gutenberg also has perfected the alloy to form a joint letter cop lead, antimony and tin are used so that the conserved 20th century.
Gutenberg is also believed to work early to prepare for the Encyclopedia Catholicon of Johannes de Janua, thick face 748 with 2 rooms each advance and 66 rows every single room. At the end of his life he was accepted as an accompanist (courtier) to the archbishop of Mainz. Gutenberg died in 1468 and buried in the Franciscan church, Mainz.

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