Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Efek Badai Sandy Terparah Terjadi di New York

From a dozen states in the East Coast region, New York is the region worst hit by the effects of Hurricane Sandy. The problem in this area are U.S. financial centers such as the stock exchange and the world's leading banks. Here, too, there is the UN headquarters during a storm Sandy, was forced to close.

However, the condition of these important buildings safe. Although previously been reported to NY Stock Exchange building on Wall Street was submerged in water up to one meter. However, once clarified, the news was a lie.

The authority of the U.S. weather agency said Sandy can survive in 12 states within 24-36 hours. Therefore, the effects of the storm could still be felt until Tuesday morning local time.

Meanwhile, 91cm of snow is expected to fall in the Applachian Mountains in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky so it makes the effects of the fierce storm Sandy.

Robot inventor Al-Jazari first time Mr. Robot

In the golden era of Islamic civilization has mastered the technology is very high. In the 13th century AD, the Islamic world has been holding robot technology. Muslim engineers in the days of the Caliphate is able to create human-like robots. Achieving that once mematahkahkan Western claims that are often called Leonardo da Vinci as a pioneer of robotic technology.

Designing new da Vinci robot creation in 1478, it was a new form of designs on paper. Meanwhile, a brilliant Muslim engineer Al-Jazari, has been successfully designing and creating various forms of robot at the beginning of the 13th century AD For this reason, modern science society dubbed as'' Mr. Robot''. Islamic civilization over three centuries in advance robot technology than the West.

Islamic Civilization is a pioneer in the field of technology automata, which is a machine that can run its own (self operating). Automata are often used to describe a particular robot or autonomous robots. The word comes from the Greek Automata automatos, which applies its sole option, move themselves.

The word was used to describe the machines moving non-electronic, particularly those designed to resemble human or animal movement. Robotic machines created Al-Jazari form a boat floating in a lake carrying four robotic musicians.

The robot consists of two drummers, a blowing harp and flute player metal was created to entertain the royal guests in a banquet drink. Al-Jazari develop the principles of hydraulics to move the machine later known as the engine robot. '' It was the first to be programmed automata,'' said Professor Noel Sharkey.

Robot drummer Al-Jazari assembled can play a variety of different rhythms. Robot found Al-Jazari was also invited admiration Charles B Fowler. According to him, the findings could be Muslim engineer called'' robots'' band. An important achievement that has never been discovered before other civilizations and cultures of the time.

In particular, Mark E Rosheim concluded that progress in the era of the triumph of the Islamic world in the field of robotics as a discovery more advanced than the Greeks. '' Unlike Greek design, sample robot created Islamic world (Arab) capable of inviting appeal. Not only in the dramatic illusion, but it is able to present an environment that could make people more comfortable,'' said Rosheim.

According Rosheim, Al-Jazari robot creation that is one of the contributions of Islamic civilization which is essential for the technology. According to him, a robot created in the early Islamic civilization of the 13th century AD are humanoid robots and able to help people for practical purposes. Unfortunately, he said, the robot was not created for the benefit of the industry.

In addition to the band'' robot'', Al-Jazari also managed to create a human-shaped robot waiter serving for serving water, tea, or other beverages. Drinks are kept in a tank with a reservoir (water reservoir). From the reservoir, the water flowed into a bucket and after seven minutes pouring into a cup. After that, the robot took out his drink.

Another important discovery in the era of the triumph of Islam that is not less interesting is the automatic hand washers depletion mechanism. Mechanisms developed Al-Jazari, is now used in modern toilet systems work. Robot automatic hand washers that shaped a woman standing by a basin filled with water.

When a user hold the lever, the water will dry up and the robot woman would return to fill the basin with water. Another robot developed by Al-Jazari was a fountain of peacock. This robot serves as a replacement maid or servant. This allows the robot while cleaning the hands, because the peacock robot that will offer coir and towels automatically.

Another robot was created by Muslim engineers peacock automatic move. Al-Jazari peacocks moving robot with hydropower. Other robotic technologies are found Al-Jazari was the automatic doors as part of one hour the water had created.

Automata technology developed Al-Jazari to 50 species and all written and illustrated in his book which is legendary, Al-Jami Bain Al-Ilm Wal 'Aml al-Nafi Fi Sinat' at al-Hiyal (The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices ). His work is about the theory and practice of mechanics. In this book, Al-Jazari revealed in detail a variety of things related to mechanics.

Furthermore, Al-Jazari also created other automata technology that serves to assist and facilitate the task of the human. He among others, creating household appliances and musical automata powered hydropower.

All robots are found Islamic civilization through Al-Jazari truly astonishing. '' There's no way to ignore the work of Al-Jazari's so important. In his book, he describes so detailed instructions to design, assemble, and makes a machine,'' said British historian, Donald R Hill, in his article titled, Studies in Medieval Islamic Technology.

Other historians are fascinated by discovery treatise Al-Jazari was Lynn White. '' It is clear that the inventor of the first gear is Al-Jazari. New West discovered it in 1364 AD'' said Lynn, said gear (gear) has a vocabulary word or term in the European machine design in the 16th century AD

In the view of Donald Hill, not a single document that can rival the work of Al-Jazari until modern times. According to him, the minutes of the discovery of Al-Jazari so rich instruction on the design, manufacture, and assembly machines.

Al-Jazari'' not only able to combine the techniques of his predecessors from the Arab and non-Arab, but he was really a creative engineer,'' said Donald Hill who so admire Al-Jazari. His interest in the work of the Muslim engineer, Donald Hill was encouraged and motivated to translate the works of Al-Jazari in 1974.

Al-Jazari Muslim leader Engineers

Ra'is Al-A'mal. Title ditabalkan Muslim engineers in the 13th century AD to Al-Jazari. No wonder, if the full name of the engineer was phenomenal Rais al-Shaykh al-Amal al-Zaman Badi Abu al-Izz ibn Ismail ibn al-Razzaz Al-Jazari. Meanwhile, the title of Badi al-Zaman and al-Shaykh bears showed that he is a scientist a unique, unparalleled brilliance, high master of science, and human dignity.

Meanwhile, Al-Jazari attached full name showed amsalnya. Al-Jazari family came from the Arabian Peninsula in Diyar Bakr Ibn Umar, Turkey. However, the other hypothesis states that Al-Jazari was born in Al-Jazira, an area located in the north of Mesopotamia, the region in northern Iraq and northeastern Syrians, exactly between the Tigris and Euphrates.

That's where Al-Jazari devote his life as an engineer to create a variety of machines. The explorers and travelers who are away to the region in the 12th century AD, admiring the prosperity achieved Artukid Dynasty. At that moment, peace and political stability and security are so controlled.

Just like his father, Al-Jazari devote himself to the kings of the dynasty Urtuq or Artuqid in Diyar Bakir from the year 1174 AD to 1200 AD as a technical expert. During his life, Al-Jazari had three Artukid leadership succession in the dynasty, namely Nur al-Din ibn Muhammad Arslan (570 H - 581 H/1174 AD - 1185 AD), Qutb al-Din Muhammad ibn Sukman (681 H - 697 H / 1185 AD - 1200 AD), and Nasir al-Din Mahmud ibn Muhammad (597 H - 619 H/1200 AD - 1222 AD).

At the request of Nasir al-Din Mahmud, al-Jazari wrote all his discoveries in a treatise phenomenal. In the introduction to his treatise, Al-Jazari said that he began to serve the dynasty H/1174 Artuqid at 570 M. He treatise discovery, after 25 years together as engineers under the leadership of the three kings Artuqid Dynasty.

Based on that information, it can be concluded, the possibility of Al-Jazari wrote his treatise in 595 H/1198 M, or two years before Nasir al-Din was asked to become king. According to the Oxford manuscript, Al-Jazari merampumgkam treatise that has rocked the world of modern technology on January 16, 1206 AD

Works great Al-Jazari was perfected by Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn 'Uthman al-Haskafiat at the end of Shaban 602 H/10 April 1206. Of note Haskapi, it was Al-Jazari's gone. Of note that, al-Jazari estimated H/1206 died in AD 602 ​​- a few months after he had completed his work.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Prehistoric Deutschland

Die ältesten Zeugnisse der Einwohner Erbes Bereich nun als Deutschland zum ersten Mal in das Tal des Neckars bei Heidelberg entdeckt, genau an der Gemeinde Mauer, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, dem Unterkiefer von der Art des Menschen als Homo heidelbergensis bekannt (im Alter etwa 600.000 bis 500.000 Jahre). Darüber hinaus entdeckten die Überreste des Homo steinheimensis, insbesondere der Speer Schöningen. Von H. heidelbergensis scheint Nachkommen namens Homo neanderthalensis, die rund 130.000 Jahre alt bleibt, zu einer Zeit, als Europa begann die letzte Eiszeit geben. Sie so lange wie 100.000 Jahre, bevor sie schließlich ausgestorben.

Zu Beginn der Eiszeit endete, vor etwa 30.000 Jahren, wird die Fläche von Deutschland praktisch unbewohnt, weil es nicht in der Lage ist die Erhaltung des Lebens.

Zeichen der neuen Bewohner kam nach, mit den Ergebnissen, die angeblich aus der Cro-Magnon Erbe kam. Die Entwicklung der Zivilisation auf die kulturelle Ebene einen neuen Stein (Neolithikum) Insassen wurden neben genommen. Sie sind dafür bekannt gewesen vertraut mit Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht haben, und fing an zu begleichen. Darüber hinaus entdeckten die Überreste des Kindes perundagian (gefunden Blech mit einem Sweep von Gold aus der Bronzezeit und Himmel Bild in Sachsen-Anhalt. Relics Alter 2000 Jahre v. Chr. Dies zeigt die grundlegende astronomische Kenntnisse.

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012



German Führer
2 August 1934-30 April 1945
Preceded by Paul von Hindenburg
as president
Substitutes: Karl Dönitz
as president
Reichskanzler (Chancellor) Germany
30 January 1933-30 April 1945
Predecessor: Kurt von Schleicher
Substitutes: Joseph Goebbels
Born: 20 April 1889
Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary
Died: 30 April 1945 (age 56)
Berlin, Germany
Nationality: German
Political parties: NSDAP
Husband / Wife: Eva Braun
died on 29 April 1945)


Adolf Hitler was born at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in Braunau am Inn, Austria, near Germany on 20 April 1889 as the fourth child of six children. Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Hitler (1837-1903), was an employee of the customs office. While his mother, Klara Polzl (1860-1907), was the third wife of Alois. Hitler family moved from Braunau am Inn to Passau, Lambach, Leonding, and Linz.
Small Hitler was a good student at school in junior high school (elementary school). But in the sixth grade, his first year at secondary school (high school), he failed and had to repeat the class.
Hitler later stated that the failure was due to the rebellion of his father, Adolf Hitler who wanted to follow a career as an employee of the customs. Adolf Hitler wanted to be a painter than to follow his father's footsteps. After Alois died on January 3, 1903, no significant progress in education at the school. At age 16, he left school without any title.

Early adulthood
From 1905, Hitler Bohemian life in Vienna with the support of his mother. He was rejected twice by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (1907-1908). On December 21, 1907, Hitler's mother died of breast cancer at age 47. Ordered by the court Linz, Hitler gave his share of the pension (as orphans) to his sister Paula. When he was 21, he received an inheritance from his aunt. Hitler struggled as a painter in Vienna, copying pictures from postcards and selling his paintings to tourists. After being rejected a second time in art school, Hitler ran out of money. In 1909, he lived at the shelter for the homeless. Hitler received the final part of the wealth of his father in May 1913 and moved to Munich. Hitler's move to Munich also helped him avoid military service in Austria but the Austrian army finally caught him. Upon physical examination, Hitler declared ineligible for military duty and allowed to return to Munich. However, when Germany entered World War I in August 1914, Hitler petitioned King Ludwig III of Bavaria to allow him to serve in Bavarian regiment. The petition was granted, and Adolf Hitler was recorded in the Bavarian army.

World War I

Hitler served in France and Belgium in the 16th Regiment Reserves Bavaria, ending the war as a Gefreiter (equivalent to a British soldier in the army chief and the U.S. at the time). He was involved in a major battle on the Western Front, including the Battle of Ypres, the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Passchendaele. Battle of Ypres (October 1914), known in German as Kindermord bei ypern (slaughter of Innocent People), sacrificed about 40,000 people (between one-third to one-half) of the nine infantry was killed in twenty days, and Hitler's own company was reduced from 250 to 42 people in December. Hitler twice to obtain service medal for his bravery. He received a service medal Iron Cross, Second Class service in 1914 and stars Iron Cross, First Class in 1918, a rare honor received by a Gefreiter. However, because the regimental staff thought Hitler lacked leadership skills, he was never promoted to Unteroffizier (equivalent to British corporal). Another historian said he was not promoted because he was not German nationality. On October 15, 1918, Hitler was sent to the field hospital, due to temporary blindness caused by mustard gas attack.

Hitler then directly involved in politics and became caretaker German Workers Party (German: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei / DAP) in July 1921. Hitler used berpidatonya ability to become chairman of the party. He then exchanged names DAP to Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) or Nazi party.
In 1929 the NSDAP a majority winner in the general election in the city of Coburg, and then won the regional elections Thüringen. President of the German period, Paul von Hindenburg appoint Hitler as Chancellor ended.
The reign
During his reign before World War II. Hitler ruled by establishing economic equality, increasing jobs and means of public services and public projects. One contribution to the automotive world is the proposal to create inexpensive vehicles covered by the German people finally realized in the form of a Volkswagen (VW).
In June 1934, on a night that was identified as Night Long Knives (German: Nacht der langen Messer) Hitler kill all opponents of the Nazi Party that Roehm and other leaders of the SA (Sturm Abteilungen). Hitler blamed the Jews for communism and the bad economic situation and gained military support to implement the political development of German military equipment. Hitler blamed, attacked, and killed communists and Jews because Hitler had a personal grudge on people - communists and Jews, revenge haunts during his lifetime.
World War II and the Fall
In September 1939, Hitler invaded Poland with the blitzkrieg tactics of attack (ground attack, air crash) achieved a surprising triumph of the enemy and his own generals. The attack on Poland led his enemies Britain and France declared war on Germany, that began with World War II.
During World War II, the British led by Sir Winston Churchill who replaced Arthur Neville Chamberlain were dropped due to the scandal of the Nazi invasion of Poland 1939, France led by General Gamelin, who was appointed as supreme allied command failed to withstand lightning strikes Germany to Belgium and France, the French eventually led by General Charles de Gaulle, who led the French resistance forces in the Vichy government, and help the United States-led General Eisenhower as commander of the European theater in the United States despite previously reluctant to get involved in wars that were previously regarded as a European war.
After a long war, and after the defeat in every battle, Hitler realized that defeat was inevitable. Early defeat Hitler is now attacking the Soviet Union with the City of Kursk Operation Citadel, German forces consisted of 800,000 infantry, 2,700 armored tanks, 2,000 aircraft and headed by General Erich Von Manstein and General Walther Models while the power of the Soviet Union consisted of 1.3 million infantry , 3,600 tanks, and 2,400 aircraft. Plan of attack has been known in detail by the Soviet intelligence was in Switzerland. Stalin immediately ordered his troops to build up a strong defense in the Kursk region. In this battle a lot of tanks - tanks mainstay of Germany and the Soviet Union was destroyed, including Tiger Tank, Panther, Elefant (German) and Tank T-34, SU -152, and KV -1. Germany suffered a blow deadly blows at Stalingrad and attack the allies in Normandy and the Ardennes Offensive failed, that counter attack made the German army or Wehrmacht and some remaining panzer divisions led by General Mantauffel during winter to retake city of Antwerp in Belgium. This attack took place a stumbling - seok and end up failing due to lack of logistics and supply fuel for Panzer Panzer from Germany so many are still "Fresh from the Oven" like Tiger and Panther tanks sitting on the side of the road because it ran out of diesel.
Hitler realized his downfall was imminent and then married his mistress Eva Braun, committed suicide together on 30 April 1945. His body was burned so as not to fall into enemy hands, and after Hitler's death a few days later Germany finally surrendered to the Russian party and allies. After World War 2 ended, Germany was divided into two regions, namely West Germany who are in power and the East German allies who are in power Soviet Union. This happens due to the Cold War. But at the end of the 20th century two separate German territory was finally reunited, after the collapse and destruction of the Berlin Wall.

 Hitler and Mussolini, two blocks Axis leaders of World War II.

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

colonial era

The British tried to establish settlements on Roanoke Island in 1585, but did not last long. [6] In 1607, the first British settlement can survive standing in Jamestown, Virginia. The settlement was founded by John Smith, John Rolfe, and other British people who are interested in wealth and adventure. Colonies in Virginia almost failed to survive because of disease and starvation, but it works because of tobacco. [7]Ship Mayflower Pilgrim Fathers brought to America.
In 1621, a group of English people who called Pilgrim Fathers (those who fled due to dispute with the church) settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Larger colonies built by the Puritan Massachusetts Bay in 1630. Instead of finding gold, Pilgrims and Puritans more interested in creating a better society, which they dubbed the "city on a hill." [8] Roger Williams, who was kicked out of Massachusetts, founded the colony of Rhode Island in 1636.
Britain is not the only country who settled in what is now the United States. In the 1500's, the Spanish established the fort in Saint Augustine, Florida. [9] French settled in Canada and the area around the Great Lakes. The Dutch established a colony in New York, which they called Nieuw Nederland. Other areas dimukimi by Scots-Irish, German, and Swedish. [10]
Development of the colony is a bad thing for Native Americans. They lost their land, and many of those who died from variola, diseases Europeans brought to America.
In the early 1700s, the emerging religious movement called the Awakening Movement. [11] Awakening Movement was one of the first events in American history that a "big move", or something that involves a lot of Americans. Revival movement, along with the Salem Witch Punishment, is a response to the current U.S. situation, and may affect the rationale used in the American Revolution. [12]
In 1733, there were thirteen colonies. The colonies are usually grouped into New England (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut), the Middle Colonies (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware), and South (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia). New England had small farms, and more reliant on fishing, shipping, and small industries. [13] Southern Colonies had tobacco and cotton plantations. The gardens were originally worked by workers who are willing to work a few years with the entrance to the American wage and land, and by the slaves. Middle colonies have small farms, and is known to have diverse cultures and beliefs. [14]
Thirteenth colony tied to "Atlantic economy", which involves the use of ships for the slave trade, tobacco, rum, sugar, gold, spices, fish, timber, and manufactured goods, the United States, the West Indies, Europe, and Africa. [15] [16] New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Charleston is a city and major port in those days. [17]
From the year 1754 until 1763, Britain and France engaged in a war called the Seven Years War. England managed to win the war. France handed over to the British colony in Canada, and handed Louisiana to Spain; Spanish handed Florida to Britain. Furthermore, Britain issued the Proclamation of 1763, which states that people living in the thirteen colonies could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was born in Mainz around 1398, Germany, listed as an inventor of the printing press the first time, the youngest son of the merchant class Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden, from his second wife Else Wyrich. According to some reports Friele was a goldsmith for the bishop at Mainz, but most likely he was also doing cloth trade as a source of income. Gutenberg birth year is not exactly known but most likely around 1398.
He received his initial training as a goldsmith. In 1411, an uprising in Mainz, so he had to move to Strasbourg and lived there for 20 years. In Strasbourg, he lives by making barangan menyarai metal. Gutenberg mirror produces small ornaments for sale to salvation for Christian Religious Council. He then returned to Mainz and worked as a jeweler.
Idea Gutenberg paramount sparked when he worked as a goldsmith in Mainz. He got the idea to produce fruit with pardons cop form letters to print a letter of forgiveness to many that he should get a lot of money to pay its debts when he worked as a metal first. In those books and letters written by his gothic script by hand and contains a lot of errors when copying and slow.
By then, Gutenbert first letter makes reference to the use of lead metal to form a gothic script letters. In the beginning Gutenberg had produced nearly 300 form letters to imitate the handwriting in a row. After Gutenberg's printing press that moves them to print. The printing press is the greatest contribution Gutenberg move. After perfecting printing press movement, first Gutenberg printing a thousand pardons were misused by the Catholic Church to get money. Misuse of a stem emergence as the cantankerous than sesetengah Martin Luther.

In 1452, Gutenberg borrowing money than Johann Fust to initiate projects biblenya famous printing. However Gutenberg has been fired rather than deal with it before printing Bibal It is prepared entirely due Gutenberg printing accused pardons, calendars and books aktiviti light as a byproduct. However terhasil Bible which is still recognizable as the Gutenberg Bible which contains 42 lines of each face was prepared on 15 August 1456 and is considered the oldest printed book in the western world. Two hundred copies of volume Gutenberg Bible was printed, partly small (approximately 50) printed on calf leather (vellum). Gutenberg Bible are pretty expensive and it is sold at a price commensurate with the three-year salary of an ordinary clerk. He sold Franfurt Book Fair in 1456. Roughly about 1/4 Gutenberg Bible still form today.
In addition to being peneroka field of printing, Gutenberg also create side printing materials such as cop dakwat and letters. Dakwat used is a mixture of oil, copper, and lead is still everlasting color. It is different than regular paper dakwat kerana dakwat printing is more dense and sticky. Gutenberg also has perfected the alloy to form a joint letter cop lead, antimony and tin are used so that the conserved 20th century.
Gutenberg is also believed to work early to prepare for the Encyclopedia Catholicon of Johannes de Janua, thick face 748 with 2 rooms each advance and 66 rows every single room. At the end of his life he was accepted as an accompanist (courtier) to the archbishop of Mainz. Gutenberg died in 1468 and buried in the Franciscan church, Mainz.


Michael Faraday was born in 1791 in Newington, England, noted as the first inventor of the dynamo, i the age of fourteen he was an apprentice so builders volumes and selling books, and he used this opportunity many people read books like crazy. When stepping age twenty, he visited the lectures given by renowned British scientist Sir Humphry Davy. Faraday was fascinated and gaping-gaping. He wrote a letter to Davy and short stories lady luck accepted as his assistant. Within a few years, Faraday was able to make new discoveries on the results of his own creation. Although he did not have sufficient background in mathematics, as a natural scientist he was unchallenged.
Faraday first important discovery in the field of electricity occurred in 1821. Oersted two years earlier had found that the magnetic needle compass can be shifted if the normal electrical current flowed in the wire are not far apart. These make Faraday concluded, if the magnet diketatkan, moving it wires. Working on the basis of these allegations, he managed to make a clear scheme where the wire will constantly rotating magnet adjacent to all electrical power is applied to the wire. Indeed, in this case the Faraday had discovered the first electric motor, a first scheme uses an electric current to create something moving objects. No matter how primitive, Faraday's discovery of an "ancestor" of all electric motors used today's world.
This is an outstanding pacesetter. However, its practical usefulness is limited utility, as long as there is a method to drive electric current from the battery chemistry than simple at the time. Faraday sure, there must be a way of using magnets for electric drive, and he's constantly looking for a way how to find the method. Now, the magnetic sedentary does not affect the electric current adjacent to the wire. But in 1831, Faraday discovered that when a magnet passed through a piece of wire, current will flow in the wire while the magnet moves. This is called "electro magnetic influence," and this is called a "Faraday's law" and is generally considered the most important discoveries of Faraday and greatest.
This is a monumental discovery, for two reasons. First, the "Faraday's law" has a fundamental importance in relation to our theoretical understanding of electro-magnetic. Secondly, electro magnetic can be used to drive continuous electric current as demonstrated by the Faraday through manufacturing the first electric dynamo. Although the power generator to supply power our cities and factories today is much more perfect than what is done Faraday, but all based on a similar principle to the effect of electro-magnetic.
Faraday also contributed in the field of chemistry. He made a plan to change the gas so fluid, she finds various types of chemicals, including benzene. More importantly, the work of his efforts in the field of electro chemistry (chemical investigation due to electrical current). Faraday investigation with great precision to produce two laws "elektrolysis" which penyebutannya coupled with his name which is the basis of the electro chemistry. He also popularized a lot of the terms used in the field such as anode, cathode, electrode, and ion


Daftar Penemu di Dunia

Berikut Daftar Para Penemu di Dunia
Penemu Mesin uap Adalah James Watt Berasal dari Negara Inggris
Penemu Mesin 4 tak Adalah Nicolaus Otto Berasal dari Negara Jerman
Penemu Mesin diesel Adalah Rudolf Diesel Berasal dari Negara Jerman
Penemu Mesin cetak Adalah Johannes Guttenberg Berasal dari Negara Jerman
Penemu Mesin ketik Adalah Christopher Sholes Berasal dari Negara Amerika
Penemu Radio Adalah C. Marconi Berasal dari Negara Italia
Penemu Televisi Adalah J.L. Baird & C.F. Jenkins Berasal dari Negara Amerika
Penemu Telegrap Adalah Samuel F.B. Morse Berasal dari Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Telepon Adalah Alexander Graham Bell Berasal dari Negara Amerika Serikat (Versi Lama)
Penemu Telepon Adalah Antonio Meucci Berasal dari Negara Italia (Versi Baru)
Penemu Dinamo Adalah Michael Faraday Berasal dari Negara Inggris
Penemu Elektromagnet Adalah Williarn Sturgeon Berasal dari Negara Inggris
Penemu Bola lampu Adalah Thomas Alva Edison Berasal dari Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Proyektor film Adalah Thomas Alva Edison Berasal dari Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Piringan hitam Adalah Alexander Graham Bell Berasal dari Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Batu baterai Adalah Volta Berasal dari Negara Italia
Penemu Termometer Adalah Galileo Galilei Berasal dari Negara Italia
Penemu Korek api Adalah Robert Boyle, John Walker Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Kapal api Adalah Robert Fulton Berasal dari Negara Amerika Serikat
Penemu Kapal selam Adalah Cornelius van Drebbel Berasal dari Negara Belanda
Penemu Sinar Rontgen Adalah Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Berasal dari Negara Jerman
Penemu Stetoskop Adalah Rene Laennec Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Lensa Adalah Anthony Van Leuwenhook Berasal dari Negara Belanda
Penemu Mikroskop Adalah Zacharias Janssen Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Teleskop Adalah H. Lippershey Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Kamera Adalah Louis Jacques Monde da Guerre & Edwin Land Berasal dari Negara Amerika
Penemu Pesawat terbang Adalah Wilbur dan 0. Wright Berasal dari Negara Amerika
Penemu Kereta api Adalah Murdocks Berasal dari Negara Inggris
Penemu Sepeda Adalah Civrac Berasal dari Negara Prancis
Penemu Balon terbang Adalah Sir F. Whittle Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Balon karet Adalah Josep dan J. Montgolfier Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Ban karet Adalah Charles Goodyear Berasal dari Negara Amerika
Penemu Barometer Adalah Evangelista, Torricelli Berasal dari Negara Italia
Penemu Dinamit Adalah Alfred Nobel Berasal dari Negara Swedia
Penemu Lensa kaca mata Adalah Benyamin Franklin Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Mesin hitung Adalah Blaise Pascal Berasal dari Negara Prancis
Penemu Mobil Adalah Gottlich Daimler Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Motor Adalah Nikola Tesla Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Tank Adalah Sir Ernest Swinton Berasal dari Negara Inggris
Penemu Traktor Adalah Benyamin Holt Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Tangga jalan Adalah Elis G. Otis Berasal dari Negara
Penemu Kawat pijar Adalah Irving Langmuir Berasal dari Negara
Edisi Revisi Terbaru 2009
1. Mesin uap James Watt (Inggris), tahun 1765
2. Mesin 4 tak Nicolaus Otto (Jerman)
3. Mesin diesel Rudolf Diesel (AS), tahun 1897
4. Mesin cetak Johannes Guttenberg (Jerman)
5. Mesin tik Sholes, tahun 1868
6. Radio Marconi (Italia), tahun 1895
7. Televisi J. Lagie Baird dan C.F. Jenkins (Inggris)tahun 1920
8. Telegrap Samuel F.B. Morse (AS), tahun 1837
9. Telepon Alexander Graham Bell (AS), tahun 1876
10. Dinamo Michael Faraday (Inggris), tahun 1831
11 Elektromagnet William Sturgeon, tahun 1823
12. Bola lampu Thomas Alfa Edison (AS)
13. Proyektor film Thomas Alva Edison (AS), tahun 1893
14. Piringan Hitam Alexander Graham Bell (AS)
15. Batu baterei Volta (Italia)
16. Termometer Galileo Galilei (Italia), tahun 1593
17. Korek api John Walker
18. Kapal api Robert Fulton (AS), tahun 1807
19. Kapal selam Cornelius van Drebbel (Belanda)
20. Sinar Rontgen Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (Jerman)
21. Stetoskop Rene Laennec
22. Lensa Anthony van Leuwenhook (Belanda)
23. Mikroskop Zacharias Jansens, tahun 1590
24. Teleskop H. Lippershey, tahun 1608
25. Kamera George Eastman, tahun 1888
26. Pesawat terbang Wilbur dan 0. Wright, tahun 1903
27. Kereta api Murdocks (Inggris)
28. Sepeda Civrac (Prancis)
Penemuan dari masa ke masa :
kl 4000 SM Batu-bata Mesir dan Assiria
kl 3000 SM Roda Asia
kl 3000 SM Pembajak Sawah Mesir dan Mesopotamia
kl 500 SM Sempoa Cina
kl 300 SM Ilmu ukur Euclid, yunani
kl 200 SM Sekrup Archimedes, Yunani
105 M Kertas pulp Tsai Lun, Cina

Joseph John Thomson

Joseph John Thomson atau lebih dikenal sebagai J.J Thomson (1856-1940) seorang Fisikawan Inggris tercatat sebagai penemu elektron yang merupakan bagian dari atom, dia juga memperoleh nobel fisika atas penemuannya itu. Lahir di Creetham Hill, pinggiran kota Manchester pada tanggal 18 Desember 1856. Dia menjadi penceramah tahun 1883, dan menjadi profesor tahun 1918. Dia adalah professor fisika eksperimental di laboratorium Cavendish, Cambridge, dimana dia menggantikan John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, dari tahun 1884 sampai tahun 1918 dan menjadi profesor fisika terhormat di Cambridge dan Royal Institution, London.

Dalam penelitiannya dia mempelajari bahwa tabung katoda pada kondisi vakum parsial (hampir vakum) yang diberi tegangan tinggi akan mengeluarkan “berkas sinar” dimana Thomson menyebut sinar ini sebagai “berkas sinar katoda” disebabkan berkas sinar ini berasal dari katoda (elektroda negative). Berkas sinar katoda ini apabila didekatkan dengan medan listrik negative maka akan dibelokan (berkas sinar katoda ini tertolak oleh medan negative), berdasarkan hal ini maka Thomson menyatakan bahwa berkas sinar katoda itu adalah partikel-partikel yang bermuatan negative yang ia sebut sebagai “corpuscle”.

Dia juga meyakini bahwa corpuscle itu berasal dari atom-atom logam yang dipakai sebagai elektroda pada tabung katoda. Dengan menggunakan jenis logam yang berbeda-beda sebagai elektroda yang dia gunakan pada tabung katoda maka percobaan Thomson tetap menghasilkan berkas sinar katoda yang sama. Akhirnya Thomson menyimpulkan bahwa setiap atom pasti tersusun atas corpuscle. Corpuscle yang ditemukan oleh Thomson ini kemudian disebut sebagai “electron” oleh G. Johnstone Stoney. Dari asumsi tersebut dia akhirnya meyakini bahwa atom sebenarnya tidak berbentuk masiv (berbentuk bulatan yang pejal) akan tetapi tersusun atas komponen-komponen penyususun atom.

Di alam atom berada dalam keadaan yang stabil dan memiliki muatan yang netral, dengan demikian Thomson lebih lanjut mengasumsikan bahwa didalam atom itu sendiri pasti terdapat bagian yang bermuatan positif. Dari asumsi tersebut maka Thomson mengajukan struktur atom sebagai bulatan awan bermuatan posistif dengan elektron yang terdistribusi random di dalamnya. Model atom Thomson ini lebih dikenal sebagai “plum pudding model” atau dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal sebagai “model roti kismis”. Untuk memudahkan membayangkan model atom ini maka Anda harus membayangkan sebuah roti dalam bentuk bola yang didalamnya terdapat kismis yang menyebar merata secara random.

Julius Robert Oppenheim

Julius Robert Oppenheim tercatat sebagai penemu Bom atom, dia merupakan ilmuwan dalam bidang fisika, Tahun 1930-an menjadi awal keterlibatan Oppenheimer dalam dunia fisika atom dan nuklir. Oppenheimer banyak menyumbangkan pikiran dalam fisika atom dan nuklir, termasuk pikiran mula mengenai bintang neutron dan lubang hitam yang sudah diabaikan astronom dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Oppenheimer secara jelas menyumbangkan pemikirannya karena ia menentang kebangkitan kekuasaan fasisme pada era itu. Apalagi di tahun 1939, Amerika mengetahui kalau Jerman berhasil memisahkan inti atom dan mengembangkannya menjadi senjata luar biasa.

Maka, untuk menandingi kekuatan Jerman itu, tahun 1941 Presiden Roosevelt membentuk Proyek Manhattan dan menunjuk Julius Robert Oppenheimer sebagai direkturnya. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Oppenheimer mengembangkan bom atom berikut senjata lain di markas penelitian Los Alamos, New Mexico. Penelitian lain juga berlangsung di Columbia University, University of Chicago, dan Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Saat penelitian, Oppenheimer mengundang para ahli fisika papan atas. Mereka diajak bekerjasama membuat bom atom. Dari sekian banyak ahli fisika yang hadir, akhirnya terpilih 3000 orang untuk dijadikan satu tim yang diketuai Oppenheimer.

Tanggal 16 Juli 1945 atau setelah 3 tahun bekerja keras melakukan penelitian, Oppenheimer menyaksikan uji coba ledakan bom atom pertama di gurun New Mexico. Banyak orang menilai, ledakan itu bakal merubah sejarah dunia untuk selamanya. Terbukti, selang sebulan setelah uji coba ledakan, dua bom atom menghanguskan Hirosima dan Nagasaki, membunuh ratusan ribu orang. Keadaan ini membuat Jepang harus menyerah dan mundur dari PD II pada tanggal 10 Agustus 1945. Meski dikecam kejam karena telah membunuh ratusan ribu jiwa, bom atom temuan Oppenheimer tetap memiliki dampak positif, karena mampu mengakhiri PD II yang sudah berlangsung lama.

Setelah Bom Atom Di Jatuhkan, Oppenheimer menyesali pekerjaannya dan menyerukan agar energi atom digunakan untuk kepentingan damai. Ia kemudian dipertanyakan kesetiaanya dan kredibilitasnya dan diajukan ke sidang pemeriksaan untuk pejabat tinggi AS dan mengakibatkan jabatannya untuk penasehat pemerintah di bidang keamanan dilepas. Banyak ilmuwan yang merasa tidak puas pada tindakan yang timbul pada saat histeria nasional yang dipimpin senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy (namun kemudian dinyatakan salah).

Ketika perang usai, Oppenheimer tetap aktif dalam bidang ini. Ia pun terpilih sebagai ketua Komisi Energi Atom Amerika Serikat. Sayang Oppenheimer tak mulus, ini berkaitan dengan sikapnya yang menentang pengembangan bom hydrogen kekuatannya lebih dahsyat dari bom atom. Oppenheimer dianggap berkhianat,ia pun di adili pada tahun 1953. Meski tidak terbukti bersalah, perlindungan keamanan dan kontraknya sebagai penasehat bagi Komisi Energi Atom tetap dicabut. Tak patah arang, Oppenheimer tetap berkarir dan bersemangat.

Dia melanjutkan karirnya sebagai pendidik pada “the academic post of director of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton University”. Puncaknya di tahun 1963, Presiden Lyndon B. Johnson menyerahkan penghargaan “Enrico Fermi Award” dari Komisi Energi Atom. Tiga tahun setelah menerima penghargaan itu, Julius Robert Oppenheimer harus pensiun karena terkena kanker tenggorokan. Tahun 1967 ia meninggal dalam usia 63 tahun. Melalui bom atom, Julius Robert Oppenheimer merubah sejarah dunia untuk selamanya.