Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage yang lahir 26 Desember 1792 adalah seorang matematikawan dari Inggris yang pertama kali mengemukakan gagasan tentang komputer yang dapat diprogram. Sebagian dari mesin yang dikembangkannya kini dapat dilihat di Musium Sains London. Tahun 1991, dengan menggunakan rencana asli dari Babbage, sebuah mesin diferensial dikembangkan dan mesin ini dapat berfungsi secara sempurna, yang membuktikan bahwa gagasan Babbage tentang mesin ini memang dapat diimplementasikan. Charles Babbage meninggal 18 Oktober 1871 pada umur 79 tahun, meninggalkan anak ; Benjamin Herschel Babbage (1815), Charles Whitmore Babbage (1817), Georgiana Whitmore Babbage (1818), Edward Stewart Babbage (1819), Francis Moore Babbage (1821), Dugald Bromheald Babbage (1823), Henry Prevost Babbage (1824), Alexander Forbes Babbage (1827), Timothy grant Babbage (1829). .:[Close][Klik 2x][Tutup]:. Pada masa itu, perhitungan dengan menggunakan tabel matematika sering mengalami kesalahan. Babbage ingin mengembangkan cara melakukan perhitungan secara mekanik, sehingga dapat mengurangi kesalahan perhitungan yang sering dilakukan oleh manusia. Saat itu, Babbage mendapat inspirasi dari perkembangan mesin hitung yang dikerjakan oleh Wilhelm Schickard, Blaise Pascal, dan Gottfried Leibniz. Gagasan awal tentang mesin Babbage ditulis dalam bentuk surat yang ditulisnya kepada Masyarakat Astronomi Kerajaan berjudul "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables" ("catatan mengenai penerapan mesin bagi penghitungan tabel astronomis dan matematis") tertanggal 14 Juni 1822. Sejarah Komputer diawali ketika Penemu Inggris Charles Babbage menyelesaikan prinsip-prinsip pemakaian umum komputer digital seabad penuh sebelum perkembangan besar-besaran mesin hitung elektronik terjadi. Mesin yang dirancangnya, yang diberinya nama "mesin analitis" pada pokoknya mampu melaksanakan apa saja yang bisa dilakukan kalkulator modern (meski tidak sama cepatnya, karena "mesin analis" bukanlah dirancang untuk bertenaga listrik). Sayangnya, berhubung teknologi abad ke-19 belumlah cukup maju, Babbage tidak sanggup merampungkan konstruksi "mesin analis" itu, selain memang tidak bisa tidak memerlukan waktu dan biaya besar. Sesudah matinya, gagasannya yang begitu cemerlang nyaris dilupakan orang. Tahun 1937, tulisan Babbage menjadi perhatian Howard H. Aiken, sarjana tamatan Harvard. Aiken yang juga sedang mencoba menyelesaikan rancangan mesin komputer, tergerak oleh gagasan Babbage. Bekerjasama dengan IBM, Aiken sanggup membuat Mark I, komputer pertama untuk segala keperluan. Dua tahun sesudah Mark I dioperasikan (1946), kelompok insinyur dan penemu lain menyelesaikan ENIAC, mesin hitung elektronik pertama. Sejak itu, kemajuan teknologi komputer berkembang pesat. Mesin hitung punya pengaruh begitu besar di dunia, malahan akan menjadi lebih penting lagi di masa depan, sumbangan pikiran Babbage terhadap perkembangan komputer tidaklah lebih besar ketimbang Aiken atau ketimbang John Mauchly dan J.O. Eckert (tokoh utama dalam perancangan ENIAC). Atas dasar itu paling sedikit ada tiga pendahulu Babbage (Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Leibniz dan Joseph Marie Jacquard) sudah membuat sumbangan setara dengan Babbage. Pascal, seorang matematikus, filosof dan ilmuwan Perancis menemukan mesin penjumlahan mekanis tahun 1642. Di tahun 1671 Gottfired Wilhelm Von Leibniz, seorang filosof dan matematikus merancang mesin yang dapat menjumlah, mengurangi, mengalikan dan membagi. Leibniz juga orang pertama yang menunjukkan arti penting "sistem binary," yaitu sistem penjumlahan dengan dua "digit" yang dalam jaman modern ini secara luas digunakan dalam mesin komputer. Dan orang Perancis lainnya, Jacquard, yang di awal abad ke-19 sudah menggunakan sistem pengisian komputer untuk mengawasi alat tenun. Alat tenun Jacquard yang laku deras secara komersial, punya pengaruh besar terhadap pemikiran Babbage. Boleh jadi mempengaruhi juga Herman Hollerith, seorang Amerika yang di penghujung abad 19 menggunakan sistem pengisian komputer untuk membuat kolom data di Biro Sensus. - 5234 Review Kata Mutiara : Kesalahan menggunakan data yang tidak memadai jauh lebih kecil dari mereka yang menggunakan tidak ada data sama sekali. (Charles Babbage) - http://www.charlesbabbage.net/ - Tokoh Ilmuwan Penemu - http://tokoh-ilmuwan-penemu.blogspot.com/2009/07/penemu-komputer-pertama.html

Rabu, 14 November 2012

Cheat Parampaa

Cheat Parampaa Level 11 -> Password : eleven 
Cheat Parampaa Level 21 -> Password : twenty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 37 -> Password : thezibba
Cheat Parampaa Level 31 -> Password : thirty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 41 -> Password : fourty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 52-> Password : fifty2 
Cheat Parampaa Level 61-> Password : faceoff
Cheat Parampaa Level 67-> Password : sunset
Cheat Parampaa Level 71-> Password : dorayaki 
Cheat Parampaa Level 80-> Password : linger 
Cheat Parampaa Level 90-> Password : gomugomu
Cheat Parampaa GAME OVER -> Password : parampaa 
Cheat Parampaa Level  123 -> Password : arjuna 
Cheat Parampaa Level  140 -> Password : tumpattu
Cheat Parampaa Level  151 -> Password : tumatu
Cheat Parampaa Level  161 -> Password : 161161 
Cheat Parampaa Level  171 -> Password : 117711
Cheat Parampaa Level  179 -> Password : 179179
Cheat Parampaa Level  187 -> Password : 118877

Cheat Parampaa Level 1 - 200:

* Cheat Parampaa Level 1 : klik mulai
* Cheat Parampaa Level 3 : klik lingkaran yang paling kecil
* Cheat Parampaa Level 11 : terjemahkan kata "death" ke b.indonesia
* Cheat Parampaa Level 15 : jangan sampai kucingnya melihat mouse kamu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 16 : lakuin aja yg dia suruh
* Cheat Parampaa Level 18 : Binatang apa itu?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 23 : hitung dari kiri ke kanan sampe 23
* Cheat Parampaa Level 27 : cecaknya dimana?

* Cheat Parampaa Level 28 : masuk ke black hole
* Cheat Parampaa Level 31 : klik kanan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 36 : drag n drop n click levelnya...
* Cheat Parampaa Level 38 : kill him = bunuh dia(laki-laki)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 40 : liat keyboard terus pencet yang dia bilang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 41 : klik tulisan yang paling terakhir
* Cheat Parampaa Level 43 : bahasa jawa cabai
* Cheat Parampaa Level 44 : jangan lihat pilihannya, lihat soalnya saja
* Cheat Parampaa Level 45 : sudut kemiringannya berapa?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 46 : bahasa inggris telur=egg, tekan E G G
* Cheat Parampaa Level 47 : sama seperti level 38
* Cheat Parampaa Level 48 : jawabannya 11 [ ga tau alasannya ]
* Cheat Parampaa Level 49 : klik run terus sampai hilang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 50 : baca soal

* Cheat Parampaa Level 52 : 5-2=3
* Cheat Parampaa Level 53 : itu bongkahan apa? pencet keyboard
* Cheat Parampaa Level 54 : ada berapa "huruf"?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 55 : tulis an ini
* Cheat Parampaa Level 56 : geser bulannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 61 : nama panjangnya siapa? dia salah satu aktor terbaik yang mendapat piala oscar

* Cheat Parampaa Level 68 : FIFA = F1,F4
* Cheat Parampaa Level 69 : middle of the "heart"
* Cheat Parampaa Level 70 : buka aturan main parampaa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 76 : klik kanan buat munculin mousenya, terus cari sendiri....
* Cheat Parampaa Level 85 : sekarang level berapa? emoticon smile gimana? sama-sama(b.inggris)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 100 : buka twitter masova di http://twitter.com/masova

* Cheat Parampaa Level 101 - klik aja tu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 102 - mudah ni, pasti bisa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 103 - jawaban ada di pertanyaannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 104 - Inget2 Pelajaran SD
* Cheat Parampaa Level 105 - ada hubungan dengan tata surya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 106 - pelan2 aja nyarinya. ntar ketemu saklar
* Cheat Parampaa Level 107 - Cluenya ada di Indonesia
* Cheat Parampaa Level 108 - bill maen di game left 4 dead.
* Cheat Parampaa Level 109 - masih bingung.. sembarang aj milihnya ntar ketemu kq :hammer:
* Cheat Parampaa Level 110 - ada hubungan sama v for vendetta

* Cheat Parampaa Level 111 - tanya google
* Cheat Parampaa Level 112 - jangan artiin perintahnya mentah2
* Cheat Parampaa Level 113 - bahasa inggrisnya belut. cari di layar
* Cheat Parampaa Level 114 - Automatic Fingerprint Integrated System. AFIS. cari di piano

* Cheat Parampaa Level 115 - yang menang sama di hompimpa apa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 116 - bhs inggrisnya jalan, cari di logo
* Cheat Parampaa Level 117 - cari yang beda
* Cheat Parampaa Level 118 - masuk ke webnya masova disini cari kata outro, ntar ada cluenya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 119 - Hitung jumlah burung yang terbang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 120 - pikirn sendiri aja ya ;p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 121 - itu juga masih bisa dipikir sendiri ;p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 122 - jawabannya tu bingung
* Cheat Parampaa Level 123 - kenapa wayang nunjuk kesitu, pasti ada sesuatu :D :D
* Cheat Parampaa Level 124 - kayaknya + pertama mencurigakan :D :D
* Cheat Parampaa Level 125 - dibagian bawah ayam kok aneh ya, levelnya juga

* Cheat Parampaa Level 126 - kenapa bulan?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 127 - jawaban udah ada di pertanyaan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 128 - buka parampaa.net/rorrim.swf. ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi ;P
* Cheat Parampaa Level 129 – namanya juga mirror, cerminin aja
buka hasilnya di dalam parampaa.net, pencet ctrl gak apa-apa disini
* Cheat Parampaa Level 130 – ada hubungannya sama MUSE (cari album)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 131 – tungguin aja dulu, kalo sabar, nanti ketemu deh jawabannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 132 – saran saya untuk yang ini = brute force (pilih ngacak)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 133 – yang bisa kena penyakit itu apa sih ???
* Cheat Parampaa Level 134 – Menaranya ada di negara mana..sante aja..gausah panik ada bom..hehe
* Cheat Parampaa Level 135 – liat keyboard..baca soal trus liat keyboardnya..gausah diartiin mentang2 bahasa inggriis..hehe
* Cheat Parampaa Level 136 – itu gambar apa?? krn gambarnya kebalik jawabannya jg doong..hoho
* Cheat Parampaa Level 137 – buka parampaa.net/rorrim.swf lagi.. (di tab baru aja) trus di zoooooooom truuus smp keliatan ada tulisan tersembunyii..emg deh masova neeh..hehehehe piiiiiis!!! :)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 138 – gataw cluenya apa..waktu itu beruntung pilih2 lgsg bener..hehehe
* Cheat Parampaa Level 139 = buka plurknya masova di plurk.com/ova… ada kok jawabannya :)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 140 : buka archive.com… keywordnya facebook.com… trus cari tgl yg di soal… trus jawabannya ya itu yg tulisan dibawah tanggal di soalnya… cari aja… :)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 141 : buka blognya mustova di www.mustova.com… cari aja sesuai petunjuk soal… kalo sudah klik… trus liat pagenya… nah.. jawabanya adalah 2kata yg paling banyak muncul di page itu… (tulis jgn pke spasi)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 142 : ngacak haha… plih2 aja…
* Cheat Parampaa Level 143 : ingat2 waktu pertama kali dikasi soal beginian di parampa pertama… urutannya gimana… ikuti urutan itu, sesuaikan dengan kombinasi warna yg ada di pojok kanan bawah…. (bukan mengikuti warna hehehe…)
tambahan dari udah gila gara-gara parampaa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 144: ternyata bohong ada baiknya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 145: yang pertama tau lah, yang kedua emoticon, yang ketiga cluenya pas mulai level ada suara dor + background bunga dan clue yang dikasih abis jawab yang kedua (lyric lagu om)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 146: \/ for \/ictory, jelas banget cluenya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 147: baris satu nama band (skarang udah ganti dan jadi terkenal, baris dua judul lagu, baris tiga kuncinya, translate dulu bos, eits belum selesai! kata itu kuncinya, ayo lakukan sesuai kata itu!
* Cheat Parampaa Level 148: turutin aja perintahnya, jangan banyak tanya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 149: palu dimana sih?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 150: lom ngerti maksudnya :p

* Cheat Parampaa Level 151: pilih aja yang tinggi
* Cheat Parampaa Level 152: kalimat pertama ada yang harus ditambahin, cari noh di screen
* Cheat Parampaa Level 153: itu simbol-simbol buat planet-planet di tata surya kita, cari tahu sendiri ya jawabannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 154: googling aje
* Cheat Parampaa Level 155: logika pake boz
* Cheat Parampaa Level 156: jawab aj
* Cheat Parampaa Level 157: perhatikan baik-baik pola angkanya, pake kalkulator lebih mudah
* Cheat Parampaa Level 158: tanya aja sama yang tau nama tuh binatang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 159: ada kata-kata tersembunyi di bawah (sampe kluar kotak)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 166: liat noh yang warnanya sama, cari di web itu yang berhubungan dengan kata itu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 167: yah itung yang ke jakarta
* Cheat Parampaa Level 168: tanya mbah google
* Cheat Parampaa Level 169: translate bahasanya, nah cari aja di wikipedia, trus penced di screen (jgn ketipeng ama kotaknya)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 179: koin 500
* Cheat Parampaa Level 180: translate ke bhs inggris dulu clue gambarnya ..nama band ! origin = ….
* Cheat Parampaa Level 181: silakan dihitung sendiri :p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 182: system eror, ikutin aja perintahnya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 183: pikir sendiri yahh x)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 184: perhatiin aja gambar sama #3 ..ini ada hub sama band lagii
* Cheat Parampaa Level 185: googling :)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 186: gambar = clue ..googling googling
* Cheat Parampaa Level 187: pengetahuan umum =p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 188: clue nya “tittle” googling sajaaa..
* Cheat Parampaa Level 189: googling lagii :P
* Cheat Parampaa Level 190: catur jepang.. drag aja yg item ke tempat yg mencurigakan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 191: gatau knpa.. random guess wktu tu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 192: tarik garis smpe membentuk huruf, kl udah cari hurufnya di page parampaa ..arahin kursor ke situ terus ikutin aja perintahnya.. inget” level 177

* Cheat Parampaa Level 193 : lihat dari jauh, nanti juga keliatan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 194 : udah, ikutin aja perintahnya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 195 : gampanglah ini, tinggal ketemuin dan klik
* Cheat Parampaa Level 196 : ini dia yang bikin saya hampir stuck, saya bikin pake step yah
a. lihat kiri bawah, coba googling tuh kata
b. setelah tahu itu apa, coba cari salah satu bukunya (Dancing Men)
c. sesuaikan kode di parampaa dengan kode yang kamu temukan (kalo belum ketemu cara mecahin kodenya, cari di google kata kunci kodenya)
d. ternyata kamu harus bawa cermin pada saat kode itu berhasil dipecahkan
e. jawablah kode itu juga menggunakan cermin
* Cheat Parampaa Level 197. coba buka ms WORD . terus cari font yang simbol (gk tau, lupa namanya). pokoknya terus coba aja (perjuangan tiada mati). kalo dah daped simbol simbolnya. coba translate dengan manual . . . ngisi jawabnna jgn lupa make SHIFT !
* Cheat Parampaa Level 198. coba klik koin koinnya, itu kan gambar korek api, ada yang burem2 gitu, cari aja apa artinya, lalu klik semua yang ada

* Cheat Parampaa Level 199 -> harus sabar dulu, nanti juga keluar
kalo udah keluar, harus ditranslate dulu di isizulu.net, abis itu harus lihat ke beberapa level sebelumnya dulu, kalo masih gak bisa, silakan datangi facebook yang help saya di facebook.com/dane.eduardo

* Cheat Parampaa Level 200 -> coba cari benda apa yang berhubungan dengan 200 dengan berat yang tertera di situ ??? abis itu kalian harus cari nama latinnya

Senin, 12 November 2012

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison (born February 11, 1847 - died October 18, 1931 at the age of 84 years) is the inventor and businessman who developed many important devices. The Magicians Menlo Park is one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production to the process of invention.
Contents [show]
[Edit] Biography

[Edit] Early life
He was born in Milan, Ohio, United States on February 11, 1847. In his childhood in the United States, Edison always get worse in school. Therefore, his mother let him out of school and teach yourself at home. At home with small Edison freely able to read scientific books adult and began his own scientific experiments. At age 12 he began working as a newspaper seller, fruit and sweets on the train. Later he became a telegraph operator, he moved from one city to another. In New York he was asked to become the head of the telegraph machine that matters. The machines were sending business news to all the leading firms in New York.
[Edit] Youth
In 1870 he invented the telegraph better. The machines can print the messages on top of a long paper tape. The money generated from the findings was sufficient to establish his own company. In 1874 he moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey. There he made a major scientific workshop and the first in the world. After that he did a lot of important discoveries. In 1877 he found Gramofon. In the year 1879 he had found the electric light then he also found a projector for small movies. In 1882 he installed electric lights in the streets and houses as far as one kilometer in the city of New York. This is the first time in the world to use electric lights on the streets. In 1890, he founded the company General Electric.

Thomas Edison was young
Edison is considered as one of the most prolific creators of his time, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name. He also helped in the defense of the U.S. government. Some of the research include: detecting aircraft, destroying periscope with machine guns, submarine detection, stopping torpedo nets, increasing the power of the torpedo, ship camouflage, and many more.
He died at the age of 84, on the anniversary of his discovery of the famous, modern light bulb.
[Edit] Appreciation

In 1928 he received the award of a special medal from the U.S. Congress.
The word virtue distinct from Thomas Alva Edison is:
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing can replace hard work. '
"Luck is something that happens when opportunity meets with preparation. '
"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt is another step forward. '
[Edit] References

Albion, Michele Wehrwein. (2008). The Florida Life of Thomas Edison. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. ISBN 978-0-8130-3259-7.
Adams, Glen J. (2004). The Search for Thomas Edison's Boyhood Home. ISBN 978-1-4116-1361-4.
Angel, Ernst (1926). Edison. Sein Leben und Erfinden. Berlin: Verlag Ernst Angel.
Baldwin, Neil (2001). Edison: Inventing the Century. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-03571-0.
Clark, Ronald William (1977). Edison: The man who made the future. London: Macdonald and Jane's: Macdonald and Jane's. ISBN 978-0-354-04093-8.
Conot, Robert (1979). A Streak of Luck. New York: Seaview Books. ISBN 978-0-87223-521-2.
Davis, L. J. (1998). Fleet Fire: Thomas Edison and the Pioneers of the Electric Revolution. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-47927-1.
Essig, Mark (2004). Edison and the Electric Chair. Stroud: Sutton. ISBN 978-0-7509-3680-4.
Essig, Mark (2003). Edison & the Electric Chair: A Story of Light and Death. New York: Walker & Company. ISBN 978-0-8027-1406-0.
Jonnes, Jill (2003). Empires of Light: Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, and the Race to Electrify the World. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-375-50739-7.
Josephson, Matthew (1959). Edison. McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-033046-7.
Pretzer, William S. (Ed). (1989). Working at Inventing: Thomas A. Edison and the Menlo Park Experience. Dearborn, Michigan: Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. ISBN 978-0-933728-33-2.
Stross, Randall E. (2007). The Wizard of Menlo Park: How Thomas Alva Edison Invented the Modern World. Crown. ISBN 1-400-04762-5.
[Edit] External links

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
Thomas Alva Edison
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Thomas Alva Edison
Menlo Park Museum and Edison Memorial Tower
Thomas Edison National Historical Park (National Park Service)
Edison exhibit and Menlo Park Laboratory at Henry Ford Museum
Edison Museum
Edison Depot Museum
Edison Birthplace Museum
Thomas Edison House
Information and media
Thomas Edison in In Our Time diBBC. (Listen now)
The Diary of Thomas Edison
(UK) The works of Thomas Edison at Project Gutenberg
Edison's patent application for the light bulb at the National Archives.
(UK) Thomas Edison at the Internet Movie Database.
January 4, 1903: Edison Fries an Elephant to Prove His Point - Wired Magazine article about Edison's "macabre form of a series of animal electrocutions using AC."
The Invention Factory: Thomas Edison's Laboratories
Edison, His Life and Inventions by Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin ', at Project Gutenberg
Rutgers: Edison Papers
Edisonian Museum Antique Electrics
"Edison's Miracle of Light"
Edison Innovation Foundation - Non-profit foundation supporting the legacy of Thomas Edison.
Thomas Alva Edison at Find a Grave
The Illustrious Vagabonds
"The World's Greatest Inventor", October 1931, Popular Mechanics detailed, illustrated article

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Efek Badai Sandy Terparah Terjadi di New York

From a dozen states in the East Coast region, New York is the region worst hit by the effects of Hurricane Sandy. The problem in this area are U.S. financial centers such as the stock exchange and the world's leading banks. Here, too, there is the UN headquarters during a storm Sandy, was forced to close.

However, the condition of these important buildings safe. Although previously been reported to NY Stock Exchange building on Wall Street was submerged in water up to one meter. However, once clarified, the news was a lie.

The authority of the U.S. weather agency said Sandy can survive in 12 states within 24-36 hours. Therefore, the effects of the storm could still be felt until Tuesday morning local time.

Meanwhile, 91cm of snow is expected to fall in the Applachian Mountains in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky so it makes the effects of the fierce storm Sandy.

Robot inventor Al-Jazari first time Mr. Robot

In the golden era of Islamic civilization has mastered the technology is very high. In the 13th century AD, the Islamic world has been holding robot technology. Muslim engineers in the days of the Caliphate is able to create human-like robots. Achieving that once mematahkahkan Western claims that are often called Leonardo da Vinci as a pioneer of robotic technology.

Designing new da Vinci robot creation in 1478, it was a new form of designs on paper. Meanwhile, a brilliant Muslim engineer Al-Jazari, has been successfully designing and creating various forms of robot at the beginning of the 13th century AD For this reason, modern science society dubbed as'' Mr. Robot''. Islamic civilization over three centuries in advance robot technology than the West.

Islamic Civilization is a pioneer in the field of technology automata, which is a machine that can run its own (self operating). Automata are often used to describe a particular robot or autonomous robots. The word comes from the Greek Automata automatos, which applies its sole option, move themselves.

The word was used to describe the machines moving non-electronic, particularly those designed to resemble human or animal movement. Robotic machines created Al-Jazari form a boat floating in a lake carrying four robotic musicians.

The robot consists of two drummers, a blowing harp and flute player metal was created to entertain the royal guests in a banquet drink. Al-Jazari develop the principles of hydraulics to move the machine later known as the engine robot. '' It was the first to be programmed automata,'' said Professor Noel Sharkey.

Robot drummer Al-Jazari assembled can play a variety of different rhythms. Robot found Al-Jazari was also invited admiration Charles B Fowler. According to him, the findings could be Muslim engineer called'' robots'' band. An important achievement that has never been discovered before other civilizations and cultures of the time.

In particular, Mark E Rosheim concluded that progress in the era of the triumph of the Islamic world in the field of robotics as a discovery more advanced than the Greeks. '' Unlike Greek design, sample robot created Islamic world (Arab) capable of inviting appeal. Not only in the dramatic illusion, but it is able to present an environment that could make people more comfortable,'' said Rosheim.

According Rosheim, Al-Jazari robot creation that is one of the contributions of Islamic civilization which is essential for the technology. According to him, a robot created in the early Islamic civilization of the 13th century AD are humanoid robots and able to help people for practical purposes. Unfortunately, he said, the robot was not created for the benefit of the industry.

In addition to the band'' robot'', Al-Jazari also managed to create a human-shaped robot waiter serving for serving water, tea, or other beverages. Drinks are kept in a tank with a reservoir (water reservoir). From the reservoir, the water flowed into a bucket and after seven minutes pouring into a cup. After that, the robot took out his drink.

Another important discovery in the era of the triumph of Islam that is not less interesting is the automatic hand washers depletion mechanism. Mechanisms developed Al-Jazari, is now used in modern toilet systems work. Robot automatic hand washers that shaped a woman standing by a basin filled with water.

When a user hold the lever, the water will dry up and the robot woman would return to fill the basin with water. Another robot developed by Al-Jazari was a fountain of peacock. This robot serves as a replacement maid or servant. This allows the robot while cleaning the hands, because the peacock robot that will offer coir and towels automatically.

Another robot was created by Muslim engineers peacock automatic move. Al-Jazari peacocks moving robot with hydropower. Other robotic technologies are found Al-Jazari was the automatic doors as part of one hour the water had created.

Automata technology developed Al-Jazari to 50 species and all written and illustrated in his book which is legendary, Al-Jami Bain Al-Ilm Wal 'Aml al-Nafi Fi Sinat' at al-Hiyal (The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices ). His work is about the theory and practice of mechanics. In this book, Al-Jazari revealed in detail a variety of things related to mechanics.

Furthermore, Al-Jazari also created other automata technology that serves to assist and facilitate the task of the human. He among others, creating household appliances and musical automata powered hydropower.

All robots are found Islamic civilization through Al-Jazari truly astonishing. '' There's no way to ignore the work of Al-Jazari's so important. In his book, he describes so detailed instructions to design, assemble, and makes a machine,'' said British historian, Donald R Hill, in his article titled, Studies in Medieval Islamic Technology.

Other historians are fascinated by discovery treatise Al-Jazari was Lynn White. '' It is clear that the inventor of the first gear is Al-Jazari. New West discovered it in 1364 AD'' said Lynn, said gear (gear) has a vocabulary word or term in the European machine design in the 16th century AD

In the view of Donald Hill, not a single document that can rival the work of Al-Jazari until modern times. According to him, the minutes of the discovery of Al-Jazari so rich instruction on the design, manufacture, and assembly machines.

Al-Jazari'' not only able to combine the techniques of his predecessors from the Arab and non-Arab, but he was really a creative engineer,'' said Donald Hill who so admire Al-Jazari. His interest in the work of the Muslim engineer, Donald Hill was encouraged and motivated to translate the works of Al-Jazari in 1974.

Al-Jazari Muslim leader Engineers

Ra'is Al-A'mal. Title ditabalkan Muslim engineers in the 13th century AD to Al-Jazari. No wonder, if the full name of the engineer was phenomenal Rais al-Shaykh al-Amal al-Zaman Badi Abu al-Izz ibn Ismail ibn al-Razzaz Al-Jazari. Meanwhile, the title of Badi al-Zaman and al-Shaykh bears showed that he is a scientist a unique, unparalleled brilliance, high master of science, and human dignity.

Meanwhile, Al-Jazari attached full name showed amsalnya. Al-Jazari family came from the Arabian Peninsula in Diyar Bakr Ibn Umar, Turkey. However, the other hypothesis states that Al-Jazari was born in Al-Jazira, an area located in the north of Mesopotamia, the region in northern Iraq and northeastern Syrians, exactly between the Tigris and Euphrates.

That's where Al-Jazari devote his life as an engineer to create a variety of machines. The explorers and travelers who are away to the region in the 12th century AD, admiring the prosperity achieved Artukid Dynasty. At that moment, peace and political stability and security are so controlled.

Just like his father, Al-Jazari devote himself to the kings of the dynasty Urtuq or Artuqid in Diyar Bakir from the year 1174 AD to 1200 AD as a technical expert. During his life, Al-Jazari had three Artukid leadership succession in the dynasty, namely Nur al-Din ibn Muhammad Arslan (570 H - 581 H/1174 AD - 1185 AD), Qutb al-Din Muhammad ibn Sukman (681 H - 697 H / 1185 AD - 1200 AD), and Nasir al-Din Mahmud ibn Muhammad (597 H - 619 H/1200 AD - 1222 AD).

At the request of Nasir al-Din Mahmud, al-Jazari wrote all his discoveries in a treatise phenomenal. In the introduction to his treatise, Al-Jazari said that he began to serve the dynasty H/1174 Artuqid at 570 M. He treatise discovery, after 25 years together as engineers under the leadership of the three kings Artuqid Dynasty.

Based on that information, it can be concluded, the possibility of Al-Jazari wrote his treatise in 595 H/1198 M, or two years before Nasir al-Din was asked to become king. According to the Oxford manuscript, Al-Jazari merampumgkam treatise that has rocked the world of modern technology on January 16, 1206 AD

Works great Al-Jazari was perfected by Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn 'Uthman al-Haskafiat at the end of Shaban 602 H/10 April 1206. Of note Haskapi, it was Al-Jazari's gone. Of note that, al-Jazari estimated H/1206 died in AD 602 ​​- a few months after he had completed his work.